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Address: Hetuala City, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province
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You are here:Home— Hanwang’s Bedchamber—Details Hanwang’s Bedchamber
     Hanwang’s Bedchamber is located at the east side of Hangong Big Yamen and has four rooms. Hanwang and his first princess consort lived in the first east room, and Hanwang held sacrifice ceremonies in the third west room. According to historical data, Hanwang and his first princess consort slept on the south kang in winter and on the north kang in summer; on the opposite kang, there were a kang table, a brazier and so on, and Hanwang smoked and tasted tea there; At west, south and north sides of Hanwang’s Bedchamber, in the west room, there was a ∏-shape kang with the south, the west and the north sides connected, which is called Tuwa in Manchu; on the one hand, it can be used for sitting, sleeping, and living, and on the other hand, it is used for heating through the warm surface of the kang. 

Hanwang’s Bedchamber

∏-Shape Kang

Dressing Table