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Address: Hetuala City, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Tel:024-55157595      024-55171828

You are here:Home— Hangwang Well—Details Hangwang Well
      Hanwang Well, located in the center of the inner city of Hetuala City, is the only drinking water well in the City. The well has a depth of over 3 meters and plentiful water, and you can get the water easily by bending over your body; the water is so clear that you can see the bottom and it tastes fresh and cool; it well does not freeze in winter and gets cool and in hot summer. The well nourished the army of the Eight Banners, so it is called Hanwang Well that will never dry up.

Old Photo of Hanwang Well

Hanwang Well

Over 400-year Building Wood