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Address: Hetuala City, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Tel:024-55157595      024-55171828

You are here:Home— Qiyun Academy—Details Qiyun Academy
      In the period of Later Jin, on the basis of proficient in Mongolian and Han cultures, Nurhachi full realized the importance of cultural education, so he engaged Gong Zhenglu (from Shaoxing) and other Han teachers like Fang Xiaozhong, Chen Guoyong, Chen Zhong, etc to teach his sons and nephews to study, afterwards it was named Xingjing Qiyun Academy; the Academy made great contribution to the unification of Manchu and the rise of Qing Dynasty, for Qing Taizong Huang Taiji, Regent Dorgon and many militarists and politicians in late Ming and early Qing dynasties grew up from the Academy.