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Address: Hetuala City, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Tel:024-55157595      024-55171828

You are here:Home— Dizang Temple—Details Dizang Temple
      Dizang Temple can be called the first Buddhist temple in Qing Dynasty and is a famous Buddhist holy land in east Liaoning in Qing Dynasty. It was destroyed in Russo-Japnese War in the late Qing Dynasty and was rebuilt in 1998.
  As the earliest temple built by Manchu people, Dizang Temple has flourished for nearly three hundred years. Every spring, flocks of magpies twittered over the Temple and many tourists attracted to Hetuala City would go to the Temple to pray for blessings and good luck. So far, as an Buddhist attraction in east Liaoning, the fragrance of incense in the Temple has never stopped and you can always hear the sound of the bell and drum. 

Bell Tower

Drum Tower

Indoor Scene of Dizang Temple

Dizang Temple