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Address: Hetuala City, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Tel:024-55157595      024-55171828

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The Emperor and the harem dependents present gifts on Duanwu Festival


  Once again it is time for eating Zongzi in a year and the Emperor presents gifts to you. Duanwu Festival is coming as well as the dear minor vacation, there will be an activity in Xinbin Hetuala tourist attraction during the festival that the Emperor will present gifts, and you will obtain a exquisite gift presented by the Emperor personally if only you take part in the activity. You may appreciate Manchu song and dance with national features and learn about Manchu history and culture and watch Nurhachi enthronization performance and taste Manchu special snacks. It is surely worth coming. Hetuala tourist attraction welcomes you!
  Place of activity: inside Hangong Big Yamun
Time of Nurhachi enthronization performance: PM 14:00, Jun. 9th to 11th, Place: inside Hangong Big Yamun

Nurhachi Enthronization Performance

Manchu Song And Dance Performance

Authentic Manchu Eight-plate and Eight-bowl